Archive | November, 2011

The World’s Modern Alphabet

21 Nov

The World's Modern Alphabet

What is an alphabet?

An alphabet is a system of writing, or a system of characters of symbols representing sounds. Learning the alphabet is an essential part of a child. Recognizing and distinguishing each letter in the alphabet is not all there is to learning the alphabet. It is therefore, essential that knowing each letters function in writing is crucial. Otherwise, a child will never know how to read and write.

Now, what inspired me to write about this article is that this picture posted in the right side of this page. With the emergence of the internet, people are bombarded with social networking sites that somehow in one way or another affects the lives of millions of people around the globe. If you have noticed, almost everybody knew Mr. Facebook, Mr. Google and etc. Surprisingly, from A to Z, all of the letters in the alphabet is already filled with the name if not the terms about social networking sites. The Apple  in A, is still and apple but but not the red one, but the apple with a bite already. Everything is totally different already. Do you think if these are used in teaching, will these be effectively understood by your children? Take for an instance, my 5 years old niece. Every time she comes inside my room, I always knew where she is directly heading to. Right to my computer table and my phone. Its funny because she use to call my cellphone as “cempon.” The more funny thing about it is when her mother was teaching her the letters in the alphabet she would always say “cempon” when her mother was pointing the letter “c”.

Do you think using the alphabet in the photo would actually be more effective rather than using the traditional alphabet examples? Hmmm…I need to hear you…please comment!

Some Facts About Text Messaging

20 Nov

If he/she text you even you do not reply:

– He/She loves you still.

If you still text him/her and you do not receive a reply:

-Enough! Stop expecting. He/She doesn’t care anymore.

If he/she text you when you text him/her first:

-You are just an option…so, think!

If he/she borrowed other phone just to text you:

-You are very important to her/him.

If he/she sent you a text message first:

-He/She misses you so much!